Friday, 6 September 2013

Experiment 1 Submission

As part of my submission process for experiment 1, I had to design a house based on 3 primitives and include a list of areas that would make up the house. We also had to adhere to a 250 m2 maximum floor space coverage and a total of 900 m3 in terms of the volume of the combined primitives. I decided that a box, pyramid and a wedge best represented my ideas and plans that I had in place for this house design. I also did not just want to create a double storey house for the sake of this experiment but I actually wanted to aim in creating a sustainable house using various techniques such as materials, roof top gardens and shading elements.

We then had to take our output such as floor plans, elevations, sections, etc and accumulate this material into a presentation board. My main focus with my presentation board was to allow the viewer to instantly feel the sense of sustainability through the use of colours and layout and also the design of my proposed house.

My final submission for this experiment can be viewed below.

All in all this first experiment has improved my skills based on many factors. I now have a better ability in the design side of things and  have experienced working with guidelines or restrictions such as the allowable floor space coverage and volumes. I have also challenged myself in designing a house that would meet certain demands which in this case is the demand for a sustainable design.

I have also improved my overall skills in using Sketchup and Photoshop and have developed new techniques that I will benefit from for future projects.

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