Thursday 17 October 2013

Progress Update

Last week I finalised my design brief and I was able to establish all the spaces that will be included in my proposed house as well as my design concept and inspiration that will influence my design. Throughout this
week I have been working on my design and I have established a double storey house that contains all the proposed spaces whilst also adhering to council guidelines and taking into consideration the sun orientation. 

I'm satisfied with this design or at least the initial progress that I have made on it during the week and will continue to refine it in the upcoming days and finalise it to begin preparing the set of plans required for a development application submission.

Things to consider when finalising the design is the total area of the proposed building including garages and outdoor areas and also ensuring that all other council guidelines have meet satisfied such as the overall height of the building, Below I have attached my ground floor plan, first floor plan and a concept internal view looking down the corridor of the house on ground level upon entry to the dwelling.

The details of the building such as materials and other details will be discussed once the building has been finalised.
Proposed Ground Floor Plan

Proposed First Floor Plan
Internal view upon entry looking down the corridor towards the kitchen

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