Friday 11 October 2013

Stage 1

As part of the second experiment for this subject, we were required to complete the first stage by putting together a site analysis plan, analysing site surroundings and finally evaluating the relevant planning controls that apply to our project and formatting it into a chart.

For the site analysis, I used the survey plan that was given to us and began to add the relevant information that is needed to make up a site analysis plan. A site analysis plan is an important element in the design process because it evaluates in detail the surrounding elements associated with the proposed site but most importantly exposes the existing site conditions and restrictions if any. Below is my site analysis plan.

This particular site is located in Mosman and is elevated and retained by a stone wall from the street level by 1-2 metres. There is also an existing double storey dwelling on the site as well as a single underground garage at the front of the site and a timber shed at the rear. This particular block is 713 m2 in size with the longer sides facing north and west. There are existing services such as water, electricity and sewer lines servicing the site which also has intermediate easterly views towards Port Jackson which can be utilised in the proposed design.

The natural slope of the site is towards the front boundary with an approximate 1.67 m drop between the highest point and lowest point across 44.5 metres which is equivalent to a gradient of 1:26.65. This particular site also has existing vegetation which must be considered for the proposed dwelling and dealt with appropriately if any of the vegetation encroaches on to the proposed dwelling.

The proposed design must also take into account the neighbouring dwellings and abide by relevant overshadowing regulations. The minimum distance for the front, side and rear setbacks must be taken from the shorter side of the boundaries.

The second part of this stage required us to extract all the relevant controls of the Mosman council's DCP and lay it out in a chart. I have attached my extracted planning controls below.

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